The Kingdom Dancers came about when the 2022 W.A.M award winners T.T.K.- To The Kingdom needed dancers from some of their upcoming performances.

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The original four dancers are Nadia Helms who is also the choreographer, followed by Bianca Collier and Khadijah Holloway who both bring years of experience in choreographing routines and dance. The group is rounded out by Aryn Robinson who brings a passion for the arts and music. What makes them unique is that they encompass the flavors of different parts of the country. Their style is a perfect blend of the east coast, west coast, down south, and mid-west. In their many hours of labor, they make it their duty to never forget their purpose. The Kingdom Dancers strive to express their love for Christ through their movements. So when you see them smiling, just know it’s because they are truly proud of the artwork they brought forth. Besides exemplifying Christ they hope to inspire and give praise dancing another avenue in total righteousness. Make sure to catch them on their next performance.

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